Our story
Hello! My name is Jen. My journey into the world of breastfeeding began in 2002 when I became a public health nurse working with high risk pregnant and parenting women in their homes. It was during this time that I discovered the magic and power of breastfeeding.
A few years later I became a mom to my own daughter, and all my breastfeeding expertise promptly flew out the window: I felt just like every other new mom. I was overwhelmed, exhausted, worried about my milk supply, and desperately trying to get my baby to latch. Ultimately my breastfeeding success was achieved with the help of lactation consultants, experienced friends, words of encouragement from my husband, and a lot of patience and determination.
Armed with a new understanding of the real breastfeeding experience my passion to help other nursing mamas was ignited. In 2011 I became a International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) to further boost my "Boob Expertise" and better support others on their breastfeeding journey.
Honor Mama was born during a chat with a close friend a few years ago. As we joked and shared stories of our breastfeeding adventures, I was struck by the idea that women deserve a badge of honor for all their hard work. Something they can wear that represents their dedication, joy, and maybe even the tears shed along with way. It would be a symbol that epitomizes an experience so profound that it deserves its own unique recognition. It could also be a tool to connect breastfeeding mamas of all walks of life. When you see the badge, you would know the woman bearing it is part of a special community. The Honor Mama community-YOUR community. And thus began my quest to bring the badge of honor to life.